Friday, January 29, 2010


So, its been a while.  I'm not exactly keeping up with the whole 360 challenge, and I apologize for that.  Luckly, I have plenty of time to catch up.  Also, the comic has been neglected due to school and work, but I am working on getting things together.  I also have a collaborator now, so with another person in the mix, I'm confident that once we get rolling, we'll be able to put out some good stuff.  In the meantime, I've got a couple more of these I've been meaning to get to for various people, so look for more updates soon, and prepare for a full re-launch of the comic in February!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jacquie and Jessica

These were actually done a while a go, but I waited to post them because they were gifts and I didn't want to ruin any surprises. 

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Zombie Command

Thanks to Barry over at for his contribution!  Check out their site for all of the latest zombie-related news!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Working, working, working

So, being on "break" from school (which means going back to work full time) has really made it difficult to be as productive with the comic as I'd like to be.  I am, however, working hard on laying the foundations for a full launch of the zombie comic:  The initial positive response I got from my efforts last month have led me to decide that I really need to invest some time into doing this thing properly.  So, I've been working on the character design and style, as well as a custom design for the website.  I'm also working on converting everything I've done into a flash format, which opens up the option of possibly doing animations in the future. 

Next week, I return to school, which means I will have a little more free time during the week to spend on this.  If all goes as planned, I will do a full launch at the end of January, with a proper website (finally), consistent weekly updates (2 or 3 per week, haven't decided) and if I have time, a store (t-shirts, prints, etc!) So hang in there, folks!  Its all coming together! 

Also, I know I'm waaaay behind on my 360 challenge.  However, I have some illustrated for people that I haven't posted yet, and I also have quite a few half-done not-for-people zombies that I need to get around to finishing.  Again, this is a result of me trying to do too many things at the same time, and not having enough time because I'm working full time.  Check back next week!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Did this a day or two ago.  I've got 3 more in the pipeline!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New year, new zombie

Click to view full size

Even in un-death, andrew is a diehard UK basketball fan.